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Watsons ELITE members, celebrities and members of the media and blogger community were treated to a special preview screening today, one week ahead of the release date of the latest movie “Think Big Big”, produced by Astro Shaw and directed by Chiu Keng Guan of “The Journey” and “Olabola” fame. Director Chiu Keng Guan and the casts of “Think Big Big” were present to support the special preview screening in-line with Watsons collaboration with the movie as the health and beauty retail brand celebrates the #HappyBeautifulYear Chinese New Year campaign. Cast members Serene Lim, Fabian Loo, Vivienne Oon, Yoong Swen Moon, Ruby Yap, Joanne Lau, Kam Hoe Kei, Billie Chong, Chew Swee Lee and director Chiu Keng Guan also participated in a chit chat session before the movie premiered, sharing their experiences about making the movie and the storyline that is so relevant in today’s society of self-validation especially among the millennials.

【Watsons】The Ultimate Skincare Solution to Younger and Healthier-Looking Skin

Committing to a healthy skin care regime is an important component to combat ageing skin. Believe it or not, the first signs of ageing can become apparent at the ripe age of 21. How skin ages will depend on a variety of factors from one’s lifestyle and diet to skin care habits. But let’s face facts – quality skin care products can be costly with some doing more damage than good because of the harsh chemicals it contains. With some a populated skin care market, it becomes a struggle looking for skin care products that are ultra-gentle and effectively cleans the skin without damaging it. Wouldn’t it be ideal if there were instead a skincare line that could deliver effective results, giving women everywhere the flawless and youthful complexion and at a more affordable price? Well guess what – there is!  Introducing the latest luxury skin care range made affordable – Target Pro by Watsons Essential Range – a targeted skincare range consisting of multifunctional beauty prod

【Watsons】到A Cut Above Academy 洗头护发过靓年


【Mister WPI 2018】2018世界国际名誉先生诞生啦!

续前几个月世界国际名誉小姐诞生后,今次终于轮到世界国际名誉先生出炉咯!2018 世界国际名誉先生总决赛在Pullman Hotel, Putraja ya 圆满落幕 。对,没错! 国际名誉先生就让我们女人让‘养眼’的, 潇洒的,帅气的。。。。小鲜肉。有没有让大家很期待呢!

【Dulux】粉棕色(Heart Wood)是2018年度主题色彩

Dulux根据专家针对趋势、见解和消费者行为长期研究的结果,宣布2018年度主题色彩为粉棕色(Heart Wood)。 这种温馨柔粉色调的灵感是来自于自然木质与皮革的肌理质感,传递出温馨舒适的家居感受,响应人们要远离外界的喧嚣干扰的期望,打造出“温馨热情的家居空间” 主题。

【Nestle 】第10届雀巢专业餐饮厨艺竞赛 推动年轻厨师创新高峰

第10届雀巢专业餐饮厨艺竞赛(Nestlé Professional Culinary Arts Award,简称CAA) 通过为期三天密集的厨艺竞赛,今天宣布泰莱大学是 冠军得主。此竞赛是由雀巢专业餐饮系列与马来西亚酒店协会(Malaysian Association of Hotels,简称MAH)携手合作,也视为一个持续推动及培养年轻人才的最佳平台。

【Watsons Malaysia】Switch.Save.Win contest, Philippines holiday package to be won!

Forty lucky Watsons VIP customers will now stand a chance to win a pair of 4 days/3 nights holiday package to the Philippines in the Watsons Switch.Save.Win contest in-collaboration with the Philippine Department of Tourism. 

【TMALL 天猫】举办“千人年夜饭” 晚宴,光良及1000名天猫客户和慈善之家孩子一起过大’旺‘年!

时间过得好快。再多一个月就过年啦!续12.12后,阿里巴巴集团旗下天猫海外又为大家带来好消息。为了让大家过个大‘ 旺 ’年,天猫再次举办 ‘ 年货节 ’促销,还有特别折扣哦!


The active and hectic lifestyle of modern females can sometimes rob time away from their skincare routine. This does not bode well, as the skin is always under attack from harmful UV rays, lack of sleep, makeup, etc.  To counter this, more and more skincare brands are developing products that do more than 1 job. Instead of elaborate products with even more elaborate steps, a product that does all at the same time, is a godsend.  Introducing the Pika Pika Rose Range , a skin care range made in Japan that strengthens the skin's barrier and conditions the skin at the same time, with the help of organic rose water, an ingredient well known for its hydrating properties. This range also contains Job's tears extract that softens the skin.  The Pika Pika Rose Water All-In-One Conditioning Gel serves the function of 5 essential products: serum, tonic, lotion, cream and mask. For all that it does, it is incredibly easy to use - after cleansing, just apply evenly o

【Mydin & Dynamo】Meet & Greet Session’ with Sarimah Ibrahim,推出 Dynamo Powder

马来西亚宝洁(P&G) 公司推出Dynamo粉装的同时与Mydin携手合作举办 ‘Meet & Greet Session’ with Sarimah Ibrahim 活动。此活动于7/1/2018 在位于Mydin Subang Jaya 举行。 从5/1/2018 至 7/1/2018 ,每日首20位前往Mydin Subang Jaya 购买Dynamo产品的顾客,只需以最低消费RM30 就可在当天兑换礼卡。这60名幸运的Mydin 忠实顾客在当天领取奖品再和 Sarimah Ibrahim见面并拍照留念。 当天的司仪来自和ERA电台的主播 Haniff Hamzah。为人风趣的他和Dynamo 新任大使 Sarimah Ibrahim 在台上与大家互动, 活动现场可说是非常热闹,很有气氛! 60位的幸运忠实顾客更是兴奋,因为奖品是一个旅行箱。而旅行箱里还附有Hallmark毛巾和Dynamo洗衣粉。看来我错过了这项好康头啊! 随着Dynamo粉装的推出,Mydin还举办了一场Dynamo 口号竞赛。一共有85架洗衣机送出给参赛者哦!你只需要在Mydin购买2包Dynamo Powder,完成口号后,MMS 至官方即可! 请看以下视频以了解更多 截止日期 : 2018年1月31日 活动最后由Mydin 高层向新任大使Sarimah Ibrahim 献花和MYDIN正传以表示致谢。 而我也趁机会与友善的Sarimah Ibrahim合照。 身为一名家庭主妇的我,洗衣服是我们的日常琐事。而Dynamo 一向都是我的首择。Dynamo 也是被国际多畅销洗衣机制造商推荐的品牌之一。 了解更多,可亲临各大Mydin超级市场。 或点击 网站:👉 【 】 脸书: 👉 【 】

【CSR Menteri Besar Selangor】向学校做出捐赠,以支持州政府兴国。

CSR Menteri Besar Selangor (Inc.) ('MBI') 通过Program Kasih Ilmu Anak Selangor Cadangan 方案向贫困做出捐 赠, 以支持州政府兴国 发展。 CSR MBI 首要宗旨是 帮助贫困减轻负担。因此,此活动目标转于学校,向贫困学生做出 贡献, 以 提高他们的 生活水平。 该方案的目标是减轻低收入家庭的 负担 , 援助 儿童上学方面的需求。通过实施这个方案,将预达 55 000名小学生受益。此外,这项活动也可为国家带来正面的 影响。 该项活动也无形中支持了国家政府在生活成本上涨后减轻人民负担的政策。同时 也帮助贫困学生直接受到需求上的捐助。 CSR MBI还考虑到国家人民需要应付学校开课前需为孩子花上一笔费用的严重性。因此,这项计划真的是天衣无缝的人民募心政策。 了解更多有关CSR MBI计划,请点击: 脸书:👉 【 csrmbiselangor 】 Instagram:👉   【 csrmbiselangor 】 INSTAGRAM : CSRMBISELANGOR INSTAGRAM : THEOFFICIALFRJUNIOR INSTAGRAM : ITSFR #csrmbiselangor #fastabiqulkkhairat #MembangunBangsa #MemakmurNegeri #GiveBack #FRjunior #KasihIlmuAnakSelangor

【Red Bull】 Start Right, Charge Ahead and Win RM 250,000

Red Bull, an energy drink often associated with dynamism and ardour, introduced its ‘Start Right, Charge Ahead’ campaign and announced a corresponding consumer contest, with cash prizes of up to RM250,000 for grabs. Through the campaign, Red Bull hopes to redefine the consumption method of its history-rich energy drink; at the same time, empower consumers to realise their full potential for any task they undertake. Jate Samathivathanachai, Director of Strategy at Allexcel Trading Sdn. Bhd. said: “When Red Bull began in Thailand in 1975, the brand’s motivation was to create a beverage for those who worked long hours to help revitalise their bodies and mind. Over the years, we’ve continued to drive Red Bull as the energy drink of choice for those who need a burst of energy for both work and play. With 2018 dawning, we wanted to elucidate that while Red Bull can be/is consumed for energy replenishment, consumption can also and should occur pre-activity. What better way to c

【AIR ASIA】亚航16岁啦!赶快参于#AirAsiaOpenDoors 活动 赢取2 百万 BIG 积分

亚航欢庆 16 周年,推介#AirAsiaOpenDoors 活动邀请全马 乘客踏上探险旅程。今日起至 2018 年 1 月 14 日,亚航挑战大马民众在马来西亚各地找出#AirAsiaOpenDoors 竞赛活动特别设立的门框,在门前拍下照片,上载至 Instagram 再标上活动标签,就有机会赢取超过 2 百万 BIG 积分! 参赛者也可透过其他线上活动如分享、投票以累计更多积分晋升级别。 长达 4 周的竞赛结束后,最多积分的前 186 名参赛者将有机会赢取 1 百万 BIG 积分的大奖。更多有关#AirAsiaOpenDoors 竞赛活动详情可浏览

【iMeriah Takaful】 成为MYDIN Meriah 会员,让您免付保险额!

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd与AmMetLife Takaful Berhad(“AmMetLife Takaful”)联手合作,为全国MYDIN Meriah卡会员提供iMeriah Takaful保险计划 。 MYDIN忠诚计划,引入iMeriah奖励Mydin Mohamad Holdings Bhd的忠实客户。 MYDIN是马来西亚的先驱,它为全国MYDIN购物商店的Meriah卡会员提供月度保险计划。iMeriah是独特创新符合伊斯兰教法的回教保险计划,由AmMetLife Takaful管理。它以购物形式而不是现金形式提供保险赔偿。 iMeriah如何运作? 💗18岁至 49岁的马来西亚公民或永久居民的Meriah卡会员将有资格获得iMeriah。 💗符合资格的iMeriah卡会员在特定日历月内以及选定的MYDIN商店累积消费RM600后,iMeriah Takaful保险将在下个日历月内立即生效。 💗 这项保险是免费的,因为iMeriah承保的费用由MYDIN承担,客户无需付费。 💗iMeriah保险期限为一个月,每一次符合RM600的最低月度消费标准的iMeriah卡会员可将保险期限将延期。 💗若受保人不幸发生死亡意外,受益人每个月将获得RM300,为期12个月,在MYDIN指定的MYDIN商店消费。 iMeriah提供独特的伊斯兰保险福利的同时也考虑到如果受益人无法在12个月期限内 充分利用保额,而其余额将以MYDIN券的形式提供至受益人。现有MYDIN Meriah卡会员可在全国MYDIN客户服务柜台领表格,填上受益人的资料。至于想要注册MYDIN Meriah卡的顾客,前往柜台提出新会员注册即可。 iMeriah 开布会由 AmMetLife Takaful Berhand 的Chieft Executive Officer, ,En. Noor Azam bin Mohd Yusof 和 Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin 也就是 Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd Managing Director一起主持开幕。 同时,En. Syed An

【巴生百利广场 Klang Parade】圣诞音乐派对,周末一起追星吧!


【淘宝天猫 Taobao Tmall 】在My Town Mall 派圣诞礼物迎双12购物节

光棍节刚过,大家‘淘’了多少宝啊!秒杀的物品,你抢到了吗?没抢到,大家也别气馁!双12 又是一个好节日。

【Shark Hero Conservation Run 2017 】我们是护鲨英雄!

我们从学校的课本找不到,看不到,学不到有关吃 鱼翅是件残忍的事情。孩子们不知道 鱼翅从那儿来。不只是孩子,有时候身为父母的我们,若不好好去了解鱼翅的由来,我们也未必知到那是多么 残忍的事情啊!

【Miss World Prestige International Pageant 2017 】2017世界国际名誉小姐诞生啦!

上个月,2017世界国际名誉小姐盛典晚宴于吉隆坡双威度假酒店甚大举行。 我很喜欢观赏佳丽在台上的姿态,讲话的气度非凡,是女人的典范。或许我可因此而沾到那么一点儿的女人味。


为了迎接大马3M(3M Malaysia)50周年庆,该公司举办了题为“大马3M欢庆50周年之 科学和创新, 我们关心”(3M 50 Years of Science and Innovation that Cares)的首届体验展。从2017年11月8日一直进行至12日丶将展示以及让消费者亲身体验3M系列产品及解决方案背后的科学和创新。

【TraqKid 】—马来西亚首个以移动手机为主的儿 童追踪器。

Knightsbridge Resources有限公司 (Knightsbridge Resources) 与UMobile有限公司 (U Mobile) 今日联合正式推介TraqKid—马来西亚首个以移动手机为主的儿童追踪器。该追踪器为父母们提供端到端的支持,使得他们在选择使用该项服务时,能随时获 知孩子们的下落。同时,父母们在有需要时将能透过TraqKid的呼叫中心及大马人民社警的响应者取得直接的紧急援助。U Mobile于其智能卡上使用以智能卡为准的位置服技术技实现了 TraqKid的运用。