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AEON - 12 Gifts of Christmas 诞佳倒计时礼物终极清单 ~

距离圣诞节只剩下7天了。 大家开始计划圣诞礼物的吗?圣诞节是无轮男女老少都会感到兴奋及期待的温馨节日!特别是小孩子,他们是最期待收到礼物的了。

Sunfeet International- “返回校园” 促销活动

在这之前,我已写过数篇有关于扁平足、高足弓、低足弓。。。等等的足部健康问题的文章。大家可在文末下角阅读这些文章。我自己本身是到过Sunfeet International, 听了Dr. Edmund 的解释后,才了解到足部的健康会影响整个骨骼,甚至会出现身体疼痛问题。 为了迎接开学,Sunfeet International 也推出 “返回校园” 促销活动。除了孩子的校鞋,大人的鞋子也可享有20%的折扣。小孩的鞋子的款式多样化,算是时尚款。除了鞋子,当然也少不了运动鞋。 这里还有一项消息, 那就是Sunfeet International 已搬迁至八打灵再也的Wisma Daju。新的地点也有设置一个孩子的小游乐园,提供小孩友好环境。父母在选择款式或做脚部检查时,孩子可在小小游乐园自由活动 。 这里也有提供免费的3D足型扫描服务。医生会依据个人足部外观与足弓的发展状况进行评估,再考量各方面的姿态,为大家设计全个别化的鞋垫及鞋子。 扁平足是个先天性和很常见的足部问题。可有些人也会遇到后天的足部问题,比如因车祸或手术造成的足部变形足, 糖尿病足。。。等等的特制鞋子都可在这里找得到! 有了更深一层的认识后,我对于选择适合的鞋子更加的谨慎! Dato Dr. Edmund Lee 是骨科专家。他专门为我们的脚量身定做适合我们的鞋子。若是孩子有足部的问题不趁早医治的话,就会失去黄金的医疗时刻。知‘足’常乐,大家请涌跃的为自己的足步‘接种疫苗’ 吧! Sunfeet International 点击👉  Website   |   Facebook |   Instagram VIDEO 或许你有兴趣,阅读更多有关 Sunfeet International

Shopee 退货退款流程教学

身边的朋友都知道我特别爱网购。我是个连日常用品都会网购的师奶。他们随后也跟上了网购的脚步。网购当中,他们也很常遇到送错货、数量不足。。。等等问题。当然,我也不列外!就拿Shopee 来说,我也很常出现退货,货遗失。。的问题。这一次就出现的量不足的问题。

Wukong Chinese Language Education - 悟空在线学中文


Hisense - Five Days Left To Win Yourself A Trip To Qatar

Following Hisense's recent announcement of its FIFA World Cup 2022™ 'Too Big To Miss' Campaign, Hisense Malaysia is here to remind Malaysians that time is running out as there are only five days left to participate in the campaign which will be closing on 30 November 2021. Malaysians will stand a chance to win a trip to the FIFA World Cup 2022™ or a cash reward of RM20,000 and many attractive prizes through its FIFA World Cup 2022™ Creative Writing Contest. However, if you are interested in viewing the FIFA World Cup 2022 at the comfort of your home, Hisense has two televisions suitable for you while enjoying RM100 Touch N Go e-wallet cashback. Malaysians can immerse themselves in world-leading technology with Hisense Laser TV 100L5F and ULED TV U7G. Hisense Laser TV 100L5 - Bringing you a cinematic experience at home Laser TV performs cinematic experiences for users with excellent audio system technology. Users can be assured of the best viewing experience and high quality

Promo Code Nutri Pure - 老少皆宜的健康食品 , 文内有折扣码~

又来给大家介绍老少皆宜的健康食品啦~ 照片中的面条、蔬果粉和糙米是来自Nutri Pure的 100% 天然和健康食品。Nutri Pure的创始人是一位充满激情的年轻妈妈。她在怀孕期间创立了这些产品。愿景是为妈妈提供最优质的产品健康食品。

MF by GCDC Won Malaysia High Court Ruling Over Illegal Goods

In light to the recent incident where goods produced and labelled with Mike Frederiqo had been seized in Malaysia for illegal acts according to the Malaysia High Court, MF by GCDC has won its court case as their goods were accused wrongly for being pirated and infringed the trademark’s policies. Mr. Huang said “Brand or Label by Mike Frederiqo is trademarked and solely owned by Mr Huang, brand owner of MF by GCDC, who worked together with Mike Frederiqo for nearly six years from October 2013 to May 2019. I take a serious approach on any accusation, defamation & damage towards our brand and have then issued a statement in June this year to clarify on the issue.” Mr. Huang has then invited many illustrators and designers to form a new MF design team and rename the brand MF by GCDC to avoid confusion. MF here stands for Made in Future to express the future of pop culture, seize the trend of the new era fashion trend and convey the spirit of creating a popular brand. MF by GCDC, has ev