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【ezbuy】 (京东) 及 (蘑菇街)纷纷加入列队

我不曾上过淘宝买东西,那是因为我不喜欢复杂的网购过程。(个人看法)我比较喜欢一次付款,一次操作性的系统。淘宝的物品琳琅满目,总是让我很动。自从有了 e zbuy , 我再也不必心动了,而是马上行动,败了很多价格廉宜的物品。其中包括书桌、书架、服装。。。等等。

【Mydin】新春嘉年华- MYDIN-SJ ECHO 2018

Mydin继续与Subang Jaya当地社区报社 SJ ECHO 密切合作,推广新春 嘉年华 - MYDIN-SJ ECHO 2018。此活动旨在培养 和谐的社会及 崇高价值观。 三月9日当天下午6点30分至晚上11点钟,当地人民和MYDIN USJ的忠实顾客不分种族,宗教和年龄的聚集在MYDIN USJ 共同欢庆新春 嘉年华 。


三月份,是我和Papa Ee 的结婚13周年记念。 我们携手经过了13年的风风雨雨。 2014年,是我们最困难的一年。 我曾经写过 (点入看故事) 👉 【 一公升的眼泪 】 今日再重提旧事并非心情低落。 而是想勉励正在悲伤 (如果)的你。

【Parents’ Choice Awards 2018】 40 Brands & Services Were Awarded Based on Votes by Thousands of Parents & Readers of Parenthood Magazine

Parenthood’s first ever Parents’ Choice Awards was held at the Today’s Baby Expo in Midvalley Exhibition Centre where 40 brands and services were awarded as winners of the Parents’ Choice Awards in their own respective category. Winners were chosen based on votes by parents and readers of Parenthood magazine that was held from November to December 2017. There were 40 winning categories presented at the event, from the best cleansing gel, best breast pump, best car seat, best toy store and many more. “We know that parents never compromise when it comes to the quality of products for their children,” says Teresa Chin, Chief Editor of Parenthood Magazine. She continues to say, “With the Parents’ Choice Awards, we hope to create a benchmark for quality and trust, and to recognize, among so many brands available in the market, which are the trusted brands voted by parents. We are very proud to be presenting these prestigious awards to all deserving brands today.”

【THYMOS】防手足口病/H1N1 流感的新产品 Anti HFMD/FLU Spray

不懂你有没有发现, 很多孩子一开始上课就会较容易生病 。5年前,我经历这个阶段。儿子春意小时候,我总是很怕他被传染到手足口症之类型的病症。手足口 症是一种易转染的幼儿病症。一旦被转染,孩子和父母一样幸苦。(2012年,儿子春意染上手足口症博文 ,请点 【 这里 】 ) 如今,小天也开始到幼儿班上课了。我的顾虑又回来了。


Watsons ELITE members, celebrities and members of the media and blogger community were treated to a special preview screening today, one week ahead of the release date of the latest movie “Think Big Big”, produced by Astro Shaw and directed by Chiu Keng Guan of “The Journey” and “Olabola” fame. Director Chiu Keng Guan and the casts of “Think Big Big” were present to support the special preview screening in-line with Watsons collaboration with the movie as the health and beauty retail brand celebrates the #HappyBeautifulYear Chinese New Year campaign. Cast members Serene Lim, Fabian Loo, Vivienne Oon, Yoong Swen Moon, Ruby Yap, Joanne Lau, Kam Hoe Kei, Billie Chong, Chew Swee Lee and director Chiu Keng Guan also participated in a chit chat session before the movie premiered, sharing their experiences about making the movie and the storyline that is so relevant in today’s society of self-validation especially among the millennials.

【Watsons】The Ultimate Skincare Solution to Younger and Healthier-Looking Skin

Committing to a healthy skin care regime is an important component to combat ageing skin. Believe it or not, the first signs of ageing can become apparent at the ripe age of 21. How skin ages will depend on a variety of factors from one’s lifestyle and diet to skin care habits. But let’s face facts – quality skin care products can be costly with some doing more damage than good because of the harsh chemicals it contains. With some a populated skin care market, it becomes a struggle looking for skin care products that are ultra-gentle and effectively cleans the skin without damaging it. Wouldn’t it be ideal if there were instead a skincare line that could deliver effective results, giving women everywhere the flawless and youthful complexion and at a more affordable price? Well guess what – there is!  Introducing the latest luxury skin care range made affordable – Target Pro by Watsons Essential Range – a targeted skincare range consisting of multifunctional beauty prod

【Wang with Shopee】Pay Day 活动即将驱动

随着农历新年的到来和电子商务的日益普及,东南亚及台湾首屈一指的电商平台Shopee不仅见证了网购数目的增长,其在马来西亚的网购搜索更增加了32%。自从在1月15日推介的 “Wang with Shopee” 活动给予高达90%的折扣以及送出超过100万令吉的奖品后,越来越多的马来西亚人开始转移阵地到Shopee平台购物。 

佛光山东禅寺花灯 2018 Dong Chan Shi Temple


【Jalan Jalan Japan】One City 分店新改造,日本二手物品从RM1 起

Jalan Jalan Japan 在大马一共有两间。续去年逛1 Shamelin 分店后( 按此  Jalan Jalan Japan@1Shamelin ) ,这一次我们来到位于One City 的分店。据说这里刚刚进行了大改造,让我们更轻松的购买物品。